‘Why isn’t she awake?’ - This was Ciara’s first thought when she saw her mam, Emer, in hospital after her final asthma attack six years ago. The attack took place on 3 January, just after the family had spent a very happy Christmas together.
Emer was just 46 when she died. Ciara was 24.
Ciara remembers her mum as the life and soul of the family - bubbly and full of chat and song: ‘Not only was she a great Mammy, she was my best friend. I miss her every day’.
But Ciara also remembers her mam’s struggles with asthma. When she was 13, Ciara remembers a call from her Dad to tell her that her mam had been taken to hospital after an asthma attack. This was a turning point for Ciara: ‘Until that moment, I don’t think I realised how dangerous asthma can be if it’s not managed properly.’
Ciara believes our supports could have made a huge difference to her mam’s quality of life.
This year, more people like Emer need our help. Your support will allow us to reach even more people in 2025.
We know that every second person with asthma experiences symptoms of uncontrolled asthma. It can profoundly affect their health and quality of life. If left untreated, it can also be fatal.
Every five days, someone in Ireland dies from asthma.
We also know that understanding asthma, advocating for change, having access to an asthma nurse and having an Asthma Action Plan can change lives.