Revised Asthma & Pregnancy booklet launched

24 May 2024

The Asthma Society of Ireland has this month launched a revised version of its booklet, Asthma and Pregnancy. The booklet was produced in consultation with Professor Marcus Butler, Consultant Respiratory Physician at St Vincent's Hospital and Medical Director of the Asthma Society, and Professor Dorothy Ryan, Consultant Respiratory Physician at Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, as well as the Society’s team of nurses.

"It has been my pleasure to be involved in the latest version of the Asthma Society of Ireland’s booklet on Asthma and Pregnancy. It is a great resource for patients and healthcare professionals alike, helping to navigate asthma before, during and after pregnancy."

Professor Dorothy Ryan, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Beaumont Hospital & Honourary Clinical Associate Professor, RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences

Poorly controlled asthma can be bad for both the health of the mother during pregnancy as well as baby. Well controlled asthma, however, reduces the risk of harm to the baby and the risk of complications during delivery. The information in the Asthma and Pregnancy booklet can help people manage their asthma and keep it well controlled before, during and after pregnancy.

The booklet contains advice on:

  • Avoiding triggers during pregnancy
  • Taking medication during pregnancy and while breastfeeding
  • What to do if you have an asthma flare during pregnancy or when you are giving birth

Read/download the booklet.