Here you will find our asthma attack cards and videos detailing how to handle an asthma attack in an adult or a child.
If you or someone else is having an asthma attack follow the 5 Step Rule below and don't hesitate to call 999 or 112 if you're worried, at any point.
The 5 Step Rule
1. Stay calm and sit up straight- do not lie down.
2. Take slow, steady breaths.
3.Take one puff of your reliever inhaler (usually blue) every minute. Use a spacer if available.
- People over 6 years can take up to 10 puffs in 10 minutes
- Children under 6 years can take up to 6 puffs in 10 minutes
4. Call 112 or 999 if your symptoms do not improve after 10 minutes.
5. Repeate step 3 if an ambulance has not arrived within 10 minutes.
Remember, if someone is having an asthma attack:
- Do not leave them on their own.
- Extra puffs of reliever inhaler (usually blue) are safe.
Click here for our new Asthma Attack Card