Our Asthma Education Inclusion Project consists of culturally appropriate, literacy-friendly asthma resources and materials for the Roma, Refugees, People Seeking International Protection and the Traveller community.

The aim of our Asthma Education Project is to improve the respiratory health of these communities by developing literacy friendly information resources for community members and to support intercultural health workers and healthcare professionals to communicate key messages relating to asthma to their client groups.

This project is a collaboration between the Asthma Society, the HSE Social Inclusion South East Community Healthcare and Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre. The resources were collated with input from each of these communities. Every effort was made to ensure these resources were made literacy-friendly and culturally-appropriate.
Asthma Education Resources for the Travelling Community, click here.
Asthma Education Resources for Roma, Refugees and People Seeking International Protection availible in:

If you have any questions about anything mentioned in our Asthma Education Inclusion Project;
Freephone the Asthma Society’s HSE-funded Asthma and COPD Adviceline on 1800 44 54 64 to speak to an asthma/COPD nurse or send a message to our free Slaintecare-funded WhatsApp service on 086 050 0132 where a nurse will get back to you as soon as possible.