Here you'll find a list of all schools who have won an Asthma Freindly School Award:

- Scoil Mhuire Gan Smal, Kilkerley NS, Kilkerley, Dundalk, Co. Louth - Silver

2015 - 2017
- St. Farnan’s Post Primary School, Prosperous, Co. Kildare – Silver
- St Saviours NS, Rathdrum, Wicklow – Gold
- Scoil an Athar Tadgh, Cork – Bronze
- St Brendan’s Boys School, Offaly – Bronze
- Rathnure N.S. Wexford – Bronze
- Mercy Secondary School, Kerry – Bronze

Asthma Friendly Schools Award
For more information about how you and your school can earn an Asthma Friendly Schools Award: