Kevin is from Mayo and is 22 years old.

He lives in Dublin, where he is studying for a degree in business. He was diagnosed with asthma as a child.Kevin hasn’t been paying much attention to his asthma. He’s always missed chunks of school or part-time jobs with chest infections and regular asthma attacks just go along with it, as far as he’s concerned. He doesn’t take his preventative inhalers as he doesn’t think they make a difference, and he generally doesn’t bring his reliever inhaler with him in college or when he’s out. He finds the cost of the inhalers excessive and he generally weighs it up against the money for a night out. The house Kevin lives in is not helpful – it’s damp and cold, and there’s also mould in his room. When friends come over, they smoke in the house, which Kevin won’t make a fuss about but which does really make him wheezy and short of breath.
- An annual review of his asthma and an asthma action plan
- Additional support from his student health centre and pharmacy
- Asthma attack information for him and his friends
- Help with how to recognise deterioration
- Psychological support
- To ensure he takes his preventer and to know his triggers