Tom is 40 years old and lives in Dublin. Tom is Aoife’s Dad – she is 4 years old.

Aoife has newly been diagnosed with asthma by her GP. Tom had asthma himself as a child but he is unsure if treatment has changed since then. Tom’s really worried about Aoife, about what the diagnosis means for her. He wants to be able to take part in activities, to be able to go to school, to feel well. He’s worried about her being at the crèche, at his ex-partner’s house, at his parents’ house, at parties, in case anything goes wrong. She had an asthma attack last month and he was there and got it under control. It scared the life out of him. The worry is affecting him at work. His ex-partner doesn’t want Aoife to be dependent on medication so she doesn’t see the condition in the same way Tom does and Aoife doesn’t take the medication consistently across the week as a result. He has been reading up about asthma to better understand it but he wants support and guidance.
• An asthma management plan for Aoife that everyone can follow
• Access to the Asthma Adviceline and website
• Materials on asthma that Aoife can understand
• An early childhood programme from ASI to help with both parents, the crèche, and other relevant people – including asthma attack information
• Reassurance so he doesn’t pass on any possible anxiety to Aoife