The whole aim of managing asthma is to put you in control of your asthma, rather than letting asthma control you. The best way of getting control of your asthma is to work in close partnership with your doctor or asthma nurse.

Asthma Action Plan
The key to keeping your asthma under control is to continue to take your preventer medication regularly every day - even when you're feeling well. That's because it works over a period of time to reduce inflammation and give your airways the protection they need.
Keep your preventer in a handy place - so that taking it becomes part of your daily routine. We suggest keeping your preventer inhaler beside your toothbrush, so you remember to take it morning and evening.

What is a Peak Flow Meter
A peak flow is a measurement of how hard you can blow air out of your lungs. You get this reading by blowing into a small plastic tube called a peak flow meter. Most adults and children over six years of age can use a peak flow meter. The meter has a marker, which slides up the scale as you blow out. The better controlled your asthma, the harder you'll be able to blow out and the higher your peak flow scores will be.
Your ideal score will vary according to your age, sex and height. Your doctor or nurse will probably ask you to take a series of peak flow reading over a few weeks. You should take readings every morning and early evening, before you use your inhalers. Your doctor or nurse will give you a chart to plot the results and he or she will look at them to see if your levels are as high as they should be.
Measuring your peak flow is important because:
You can tell what's really going on in your airways rather than just guessing.
You can find out if the treatment you are on is controlling your asthma.
It's a record of how well you've been which you can show your doctor or nurse.
You can purchase a peak flow meter from the Asthma Society of Ireland by contacting 01 8178886 or email

How Do I Know if My Asthma is Getting Worse?
As well as using a peak flow meter there are other ways in which you can keep a check on your asthma. Symptoms are just as important so if you notice any of the following, you should make sure you see your doctor as soon as possibble.
- Waking at night with coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath or a tight chest
Increased shortness of breath on waking up in the morning
Needing more and more reliever treatment or reliever not working very well
Unable to continue your usual level of activity or exercise