With the right asthma treatment your child can live a full and active life. When your child’s asthma is worse, your doctor may increase their medication and decrease it when their asthma is under control.

The following are types of treatment which may be prescribed by your doctor:
- Reliever Inhalers
- Preventer Inhalers
- Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists (LTRA)

Reliever Inhaler

Controller Inhaler (Inhaled Corticosteroids)

Leukotriene Receptor Antagonist (LTRA)
An LTRA may be used instead of or as well as controller medication to help control your child’s asthma. They are particularly effective for children with exercise-related symptoms or allergies. LTRA’s work by blocking one of the reactions in a child’s lungs that causes the airways to flare up when they come into contact with an asthma trigger. LTRA’s are taken once a day, even when a child is well and come as tablets, chewable tablets and granules which can be given in food for children under six months old. You can find more information about LTRAs and other Add-On treatments such Oral Steroid Tablets here.