Tragically one person a week dies due to asthma. If you have sadly lost a loved one and would like support, please contact us on 01 817 8886 or email Sarah O'Connor at

Child and Adolescent Services

The Irish Childhood Bereavement Network
The Irish Childhood Bereavement Care pyramid is a guide for adults in identifying and responding to the needs of children and young people who have experienced a loss.More information can be found at:

Rainbows Ireland
Rainbows Ireland supports children and young people who have been affected by the death of a close family member in groups. The service is available in local communities throughout Ireland. More information can be found at:

The Children’s Grief Project provides grieving children and young people a place and space where they are given the opportunity to look at feelings associated with loss and learn that they are not alone. They provide one to one support, teacher support and community education.More information can be found at:

Barnardos Bereavement Helpline Service: 01 4732110

Childline is available for all children up to the age of 18. More information can be found at Services: By Phone 24hrs a day 1800 66 66 66One to One live chat 10am-4am every day
By text 10am-4am every day Text 'talk' to 50101
Adult and Parent Services

The Irish Hospice Foundation provides advice and information for bereaved people, those supporting them and professionals working with them through and an initiative; They also provide further information on where to avail of therapy support for bereavement. More information can be found here.

Bereavement Ireland Counselling Service is a group of volunteers recruited and trained in the theory of grief and the counselling of bereaved individuals. They have a number of centres in Dublin as well as in Newbridge and Kildare. More information can be found at:

The HSE, Counselling in Primary Care (CIPC) service, offers a short-term counselling service that provides up to 8 counselling sessions with a professionally qualified and accredited Counsellor/Therapist. It is a service for medical card holders, who are 18 years of age or over, and who want help with psychological problems that are appropriate for time limited counselling in primary care, including loss issues. More information can be found here.

Anam Cara offers support to bereaved parents, siblings and extended family members. It is a national voluntary support organisation set up by parents who have themselves experienced the loss of a child. Their aim is to provide support and understanding through their online forum, parent-to-parent meetings, professional talks and family events all of which are provided free of charge to those who have experienced the death of a child, regardless of age or circumstances of death. More information can be found at

Samaritans is a registered charity aimed at providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide. To avail of their services call - 116 123