We are connected to many Irish and International organisations – as members, affiliatiates or accredited members.

The European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients Associations (EFA)
The Asthma Society of Ireland has been a long-standing and active member of EFA, a network of patient groups working for people with asthma and allergies in Europe. EFA works to promote awareness of airways diseases and promote patient opinions and concerns with European policy makers.
EFA provides an excellent platform for collective action and sharing knowledge, and aims to improve the health and well-being of people with asthma and allergies across Europe and in the individual members’ home countries. Asthma Society of Ireland Board member, Breda Flood, is the current President of EFA.
The Lung Health Alliance
The Asthma Society of Ireland has joined with a number of other ‘lung health’ groups to raise awareness and advocate for better respiratory health in Ireland. These groups include the Irish Thoracic Society, Cystic Fibrosis Ireland, the Irish Cancer Society, Ash Ireland and many more.
Respiratory diseases such as asthma are the most common reason for people to visit their GP and cause one in five deaths in Ireland. The Lung Health Alliance work together to hold public talks, promote good lung health and call on politicians to take action on respiratory illnesses. In February 2013, the Lung Health Alliance gave a presentation to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health and Children.