Our Reach Your Peak resources are designed to help people with asthma enjoy exercise and take part in sports.

Exercise can pose a challenge to people with asthma, particularly as it can be a trigger for some people. Poorly controlled asthma can also make exercising challenging, but the good news is that, with the right preparation and good asthma management, even those with severe asthma should be able to take part in sports.
Our Reach Your Peak resources feature top tips on exercising with asthma for coaches as well as people with asthma.
The Reach Your Peak pack includes:
A Reach Your Peak booklet which has everything you need to know about exercising with asthma
A handy Reach Your Peak wallet card with emergency information and top tips that can be kept in your pocket or sports bag
A Reach Your Peak poster that can be displayed in sport clubs, gyms and schools so that everyone knows how to exercise safely with asthma - and what to do in the event of an asthma attack.
The pack features Republic of Ireland International Soccer Player and Asthma Society of Ireland Ambassador, John O’Shea. who has had asthma since childhood.
I’ve had asthma since I was a kid but I haven’t let it hold me back. Keeping my asthma under control has been vital in achieving my sporting goals. By following the Reach Your Peak tips and keeping your asthma under control, you too can get the most out of exercise and succeed in any sport.

Asthma should not stop anyone from exercising or taking part in sport. In fact, research has shown that a structured exercise routine can help improve asthma control. Once you follow the Reach Your Peak tips - like knowing your triggers and what to do in an asthma attack - you too can achieve sporting success.
To download your copy of the Reach Your Peak Pack, click here or call 01 817 8886 to order a free copy by post.