All funds raised go towards our work in educating asthma patients, improving quality of life and reducing the number of asthma deaths which occur in Ireland each year.

Our main areas of work are:
Education – providing information to asthma patients and their families on how best to manage their asthma and avoid complications.
Research – we fund research programmes into the treatment and causes of asthma.
Patient Services – we provide asthma clinics around the country, and provide training for healthcare professionals on how best to advise asthma patients.
Working for Change – we lobby the government on behalf of asthma patients across Ireland to ensure that they receive the best, most up-to-date treatment and their needs are met at all levels.

Annual Reports
Our Annual Reports give a clear picture of our impact and our achievemnets over the years, detailing how funds have been spent to support our work
You view our Annual Reports here.