We are compliant with Codes of Practice from a number of organisations and actively participate in a number of organisations and networks. You can find details of these below.
Codes of Practice with Which we are Compliant
Charities Governance Code as set out by the Charities Regulator in 2018
Statement of Compliance with Guidelines for charitable Organisations Fundraising from the Public
Nursing staff and contract nurses are registered on the general division of An Bord Altranais
Statement of Recommended Practice for Financial Reporting by Charities (SORP) standard, which is recommended best practice by the Accounting Standards Board (ASB) issued in March 2008 (updated in November 2016)
Audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and the requirements of the Companies Act 1963-2014
As per good charity governance, see our Terms of Reference
We are Active Members of the Following Groups & Networks
Medical Research Charities Group www.mrcg.ie
Irish Thoracic Society www.irishthoracicsociety.com
Irish Lung Health Alliance www.lunghealth.ie
The Irish Platform for Patients' Organisations, Science and Industry www.ipposi.ie
The Wheel www.wheel.ie
European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients’ Associations www.efanet.org
European Lung Foundation www.europeanlung.org
International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG) www.theipcrg.org
Irish Charities Tax Reform (ICTR) www.ictr.ie
Fundraising Ireland www.fundraisingireland.ie
HSE Tobacco Stakeholder Network